Title: “Elegant 3-Bedroom One-Story Villa in Bophut, Koh Samui” (OFFPLAN) Price: 10,900,000฿ Property Information:
Property Description: Overview: Discover the exquisite allure of this one-story pool villa nestled in Bophut, Koh Samui. Location: Strategically located just a 15-minute drive from the airport. Accessibility: Short 5-minute walk to the beach and 4 minutes from the bustling wharf. Convenience: Essential amenities such as hospitals, schools, and piers are conveniently within reach. Villa Features:
Land Information:
Mobile: 0928298465
WhatsApp: +66928298465
From 79,400฿ Per Week
View Details25,500,000฿
View Details49,000,000฿
View DetailsOwning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.
Suze Orman